It’s been a little time since I was at Fashion Week in New York City. I’m back in Los Angeles working hour after hour relentlessly on a very special project. Work has been so consuming! I’m torn between finding time to see my friends and furthering my dreams daily. Not sure these days whether I want to spend all my time hustling for money or taking a little time to search for love. Can I do both? Which one will make me happier? Can “searching for love” even work? I’ve somewhat decided its money I want more, but I can feel my body aching feverishly for love. I feel I just need to get away for a bit, go on an adventure, and let my hair loose. I want that feeling of something new and exciting to bring back that passion I once remember.
They say it’s the times you expect the least that the most will come. I never really understood this notion until something rather miraculous happened! It was one dark and dingy night and I was on my way home when I saw that I needed gas. I customarily get gas in the morning, since you never know what crazy people are out and about at 2am! However, I had to be up so early I figured if I just spent 10 minutes now, I’ll save 30 min tomorrow.
Here I am pumping gas when a loud beast of a motorcycle comes roaring into the station. At first, I was annoyed at the rumble since my head had been pounding from a 16hr work day! Then it happened… the stranger on the motorcycle pulled his helmet off and I was instantly brought back to those early years in school when you see a boy you like for the first time. My heart was racing, palms were sweating, and it was as if I couldn’t remember what I was doing there in the first place. I thought to myself, “How do I get this man to talk to me?”. You might have a better idea, but all I could think of on the fly was to ask him for directions. I said, “Do you know how to get back to the freeway from here?”, he replied “I sure do, but I’ll only tell you if you let me take you out sometime soon”. I couldn’t help but thinking how lucky I am to have the upper hand once again. Ok Charlotte, let’s play this one cool and see where he wants to go. So I said, “Well, what did you have in mind?”. He said “I don’t care what you have going on this weekend, but let’s hit the road and see where it takes us”. I gallantly replied “I’m up for any adventure you got!”
We exchanged numbers and two days later he picked me up. Here he comes pulling up on his iron stallion Harley. He takes off his helmet and leather jacket again to greet me and I’m reminded exactly why I’m doing this. His stunningly handsome smile and arms that look like they’d keep me safe just by holding them! My lips and nails are as red as candy apples. My shiny Saint Laurent bag is full of hundred dollar bills, lipstick, and of course my pepper spray. I’m wearing an old worn out leather jacket and a pair of tight, glossy, black leather pants from Balmain. My Italian Alberto Guardiani designer heels are dusty and they look nothing like the runway they were made to be walking on. Let’s get this show on the road. I’m ready for an adventure.
We’re hauling ass down the highway toward Palm Springs! My long hair blowing wildly in the wind, my heart beat racing out of my chest, I feel more alive than I have in years! I find myself thinking about Los Angeles…. New York…. Paris… All these cities I have lived and worked in for so long. Thinking about all the people I have met and the jobs they have, all their struggles, their obligations, and all their sorrows. Their long work days and their half miserable relationships. How stuck they are in their lives. The cars they’re afraid to drive because they look so pretty brand new that they’re afraid to even scratch them. The mortgages they can barely afford to pay. I’m thinking I barely know any people who are truly happy with their lives. Who is truly free? There comes a time in life when we just need to throw a little caution to the wind and enjoy life. I can honestly say I don’t quite know where this road is taking me, I do however know I’m certainly Wild at Heart! We can never see the future of how things will end up, but I’m certainly excited for this new chapter… you don’t want to miss what happens next.
xoxo, Charlotte