Forget Barnes and Noble, Let’s Babel!

On Wednesday afternoon, I met up with one of my gays to do some shopping at Barnes & Noble, in Union Square. Adam just nailed a new assignment at work, and I was wearing a really cute outfit, so we decided to celebrate hump day with Raspberry Mojitos, before heading to the book store. One Mojito led to two and then three, and before we knew it, we decided to ditch shopping to go dancing. We headed to the East Village to scope out the dance scene and ended up at Babel. It may not be the hottest lounge in the city, but awesome music and a dance floor was exactly what we needed, and Babel fit the bill.

“You know those nights, the ones you don’t plan, they just happen…they always end up being the most fun.”



Transforming from Winter to Spring

Spring is on it’s way, which means it’s time to think about transitioning your wardrobe. I’m about to toss away my Winter coats, and will be living in my trench coats from now on. I’m thrilled to finally put peep-toes, elegant thigh-highs and ballerinas back on my Winter-dry feet (note to myself; MUST book that pedicure asap!)

“Although they run half a size too small, and I remember not having enough money to pay my mortgage that month… Ahhh, Priorities!”



Rainy Days in New York are My Favorite

It’s Friday, the work day is concluding and the weekend is here, the business men loosen their ties and unbutton their shirts as they head to the subway and start to unwind from their week.

“I love observing the men who achieve that “Gordon Gekko” look, in their designer tailored suits and suspenders. And snickering at those guys who try so hard, but just can’t pull it off. “