Bedroom Makeover with Arhaus

I am so excited to share our master bedroom makeover reveal with you!
My boyfriend and I have different taste in furniture and home design (like many other couples out there), so designing can certainly be a very emotional process. You’re changing your day-to-day environment, making countless decisions, solving problems and spending money. My best advice is to come to an agreement about the basic things such as color, texture and types of furnishings, and go from there. Make decisions with love and respect. As much as you want to love your space when you walk through the door, your partner should love it just as much. Create an environment that reflects who you are as a couple and the life that you want to live. By keeping the lines of communication open, setting expectations and being willing to compromise, you can design a space that truly represents everyone who lives there.

“The main design rules for small room furniture arrangement are no different than in a large room: Choose furniture that fits the space, and don’t try to squeeze too much in”


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The Best After-Christmas Sales!

It’s official. Christmas is almost coming to an end, and while the die-hard holiday fans have already started the countdown time for next year, the rest of us are breathing a sigh of relief and getting back into our normal routines. Whether you’re returning some near-miss gifts, getting ready to have a more productive 2019, or just want to buy something for yourself, here are all the best sales happening online right now!

“The best part of the week between Christmas and New Year’s is that loads of retailers run year-end sales to clear out their inventories and get ready for 2019”


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Give a Gift of Sparkle from eBay this Season 

My favorite gift to give (and receive) is by far, jewelry! From my little niece, my fashionista-bestie, or to my elegant grandma, you can never go wrong with gifting a gorgeous necklace or a pair of sparkly earrings! Jewelry is such a personal and thoughtful gift, and I’d like to share how I scored some great jewelry deals on eBay this season!

“Did you know that 80% of all merchandise sold on eBay is new?”


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