How to Find the Perfect Session Location

The number one question brides and grooms to-be ask themselves when planning their photo session is, “Where should we go?” Truthfully, the possibilities are endless! Beauty can be found anywhere, and finding a spot that will fit perfectly with who you are is important to make your session special and meaningful. Maybe it’s where you had your first date? Maybe it’s your favorite spot to go on a Saturday night? You want the session to be a reflection of who you are! This session is all about you. Think about your likes and interest and tie them into the shoot in unique ways.

“These unique windows of time are known as “the golden hour.” It’s where the sun looks it’s best, creating the warm, incredible light where everything looks dreamy and gorgeous.”



My Favorite Avant Garde Moments And Designers

Art is a funny thing — the same painting might be heralded as a chef-d’oeuvre by one critic, and torn apart by another. Avant Garde, the French phrase meaning a group of people at the forefront of new developments, is a type of modern art that takes any traditional rules of what is and isn’t art and throws them out the window. Avant Garde artists move through the art world like they live in the near-future instead of the frozen moment of the present with the rest of us.

“Though a thick line exists between ready-to-wear and the avant-garde, a few designers have opted to leave their clothing with the mark of something a bit more extraordinary.”


Men: NYC vs. LA

Yesterday, while waiting for my friend Jason, at Coupa Café in Beverly Hills, a well-dressed 60+ year old man started hitting on me. I couldn’t believe the bull-shit that rambled out of his mouth, as he attempted to get my number.

“At least the men in NYC have the courtesy to hit on you with class and sophistication. Asking about a book you’re reading or what you do for work. They don’t just come out and say, I’m rich”