See me in Scandinavia’s Biggest Fitness Magazine!

Boy am I excited to announce that I’m now part of Scandinavia’s biggest Fitness Magazine’s Expert Panel! The magazine is called I FORM, and is published in four countries! I’m going to cover anything fitness, dance and lifestyle, which I’m all so passionated about. Make sure to have your sneakers and water bottles ready, everyone!


My Christmas Gift Guide

We all know that thing about how Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, but sometimes it can also be the most horrible time of the year. You know what I’m talking about. Gift shopping!


All I want for Christmas is… Fabulous Hair!

I have always struggled with curling hair… or at least curling hair and having it stay in place. My traditional curling iron just didn’t work for me, and I’d often spend over 30 minutes curling my hair, only to have the curls fall out in less time than they took to do. How frustrating!