Empire State of Mind

Travelling is fun, packing is not! My dancing takes me to LA, a lot…which is great, because there are so many opportunities for hip-hop dancers out there. I sometimes wish Manhattan held as many options for hip-hop dancers, as it does for modern or Broadway genres, but no such luck. Los Angeles is where I have to be for work…but, and this is a big but, Manhattan is where my heart is- so if travelling back and forth is what I have to do, I’ll continue doing it, forever if need be.


Bringing Manhattan to Miami

When I first watched Miami Vice, besides having a huge crush on Sonny Crockett and his pastel suits, Ray-Ban wayfarers and midnight black Ferrari Daytona Spyder, I became fascinated with the Magic City. Yes, Miami was built on laundered drug money, but, you gotto admit that the image of a glamorous tropical paradise with palm fringed beaches, colorful Art Deco buildings, and fashion that ranges from bright colors and sundresses to half-naked people, is alluring.

“As I drove across the Venetian Causeway, blasting In the Air Tonight by Phil Collins, I arrived in SoBe sporting a new hairdo”



Just in Time for a Perfect Weekend

My dancing takes me all over the US and I’ve been travelling all week, so I’m so excited to spend the entire weekend in my home, Manhattan. There is always so much to do in my city, and choosing is the biggest challenge, but I have this weekend planned from beginning to end!