There is A Shade of Red for Every Woman!

Ah, the power of the Little Red Dress – Tricky to get right, but fabulous when you do.
Undoubtedly, red is a color that calls a lot of attention and focus when worn. Red is energizing. It excites the emotions and motivates us to take action. Signifying a more pioneering spirit and leadership qualities, it is why you often see male leaders in red ties.

“Remember that a sexy red dress equals simple everything else! I never go over board with my accessories when I choose red.”



Holiday Gifting

One of my favorite parts about this time of year is the excuse to break out into an all-afternoon gift wrapping session. They say presentation is everything, and when it comes to great gifting, I have to agree. There’s just something so special about a thoughtfully-wrapped gift.


Fashionistas are en Pointe this Season

The ballerina trend may come and go, but, for me, dressing up as a ballerina is always in style. I’m not exactly running around the streets of New York in my pointe shoes, but I do have more ballerina skirts and dresses than the average person, I am, after all, a ballerina at heart. I often find myself dressing in ballet-inspired outfits, especially around the holiday season. One of my all-time favorite ballets, George Ballenchine’s, The Nutcracker, is premiering at the New York City Ballet next week and I’m counting the days, in my tutu’s, of course, until the premiere.